Teaching during lockdown, the situation due to Covid-19 has forced several educational institutions across the country to adopt the online mode of delivery to ensure that in coronavirus online learning continues and students do not suffer due to this. While in-class and in-person interactions have always been the preferred mode of education in institutions across the globe, it will be a wasted opportunity if our institutions do not take this pandemic as a sign of changing Coronavirus online learning times. This time teaching online in India is bringing the best of online learning into the classroom and is also offering a superlative Distance learning experience to the students.
Although the current crisis of Coronavirus has practically forced educational institutions to transition to online teaching classes, a majority of educators are increasingly realizing the need to enhance their classroom delivery through digital interventions and are shifting themselves to online learning and online education system and teaching during in India. So now let’s exactly see what Online teaching is and how teachers are managing Coronavirus online learning during the nationwide lockdown with the online education system in India?
“Online teaching is an electronically supported learning that relies on the web for teacher/student interaction and therefore the distribution of class materials.”
Different ways teachers are using for online teaching during lockdown
With different online teaching software’s in the market, Individual Educators, coaching institutes, and schools are taking Coronavirus online teaching of the students to continue the education thread in Education lockdown. With a strong stable internet connection, good input devices, and online software teachers are using different ways of taking classes’ online distance learning classes.
Live Interactive classes
With the help of different software available in the market teachers are creating different live courses and are conducting the different subject classes at a specific time through their laptop or desktop. In this live class, teachers and students are interacting, and teaching a student with the help of PowerPoint or whiteboard screen sharing. In this Education lockdown Students are also able to ask their queries in an ongoing live class. With the use of different education software teachers are also using some basic features of the software for students.
Basic Features teachers are using of online education software for students
Question Bank & Test – Teachers are teaching during lockdown and are creating a unique Mock Test and Online practice test for students to have great practice after each live session.
Reports & Analytics- In this Coronavirus education time teachers are also tracking students’ performance in real-time for Online practice tests & mock tests for different exams and are helping students to improve in each exam.
Recorded classes
Some teachers are also taking their classes through recorded lectures while performing different distance learning practices. Teachers record the specific subject session and are making it available to the students through different modes like their email id or YouTube.
Whatsapp group
In this education lockdown for online learning while following distance learning practices, Teachers are also using WhatsApp by creating teachers and parents WhatsApp group for daily contact with parents and students. And are also posting live session updates daily on that group.
Tricks and tools teachers are using to assess students during Education coronavirus lockdown
During education lockdown for distance learning to assess students’ understanding and progress, teachers are conducting oral Q&A session during the online classes, which are helpful to get some clarity on their prior knowledge and to what extent the students have completed the work.
In this Education lockdown after every topic, an online test is conducted by teachers where the question paper is released at a definitive time after setting the duration. The marking scheme is sent after the test and students can evaluate the score to make online teaching during lockdown more fruitful for students.
Challenges faced by the teacher during online teaching in Education coronavirus lockdown
- While Corona virus online teaching, Teachers are unable to see students’ work visually to get an idea of where they are struggling.
- In Education lock down, Teachers feel that during live distant leaning, few students are hesitating to reply giving excuses about technical faults with the system.
- As teachers while teaching during lock down they were used to respond to a lot of non-verbal cues, which used to be valuable informal feedback.
- During Corona virus online teaching Teachers weren’t loaded with a whole lot of fancy tools but used tools that were in place much before the crisis. This made the transition to online teaching easy and smooth.
- In starting of Teaching during lock down, few teachers were doubtful about handling online sessions, but with the continuous support from the management, all emotionally energized with the new mode of teaching and distance learning.
Major problems & solutions identified by teachers during online teaching.
- Sometimes students feel boring during distance learning due to lack of engagement and motivation is one of the main reasons in online teaching.
Solution- Teachers should design their online teaching course dynamically, interactive, and fun. - During these coronavirus online teaching, Students encounter technical difficulties with operating systems, browsers, or smartphones.
Solution- Offer multi-device courses and personal attention to each student while education lockdown. - While teaching during lockdown many times students can’t practice the topics and this makes them difficult for them to understand a particular subject.
Solution- Make Use of useful and practical courses that have a simulator during Coronavirus online teaching.
Benefits of online teaching for teachers that improve their tutoring style.
- Connecting – Teaching during lock down on teaching platforms allow teachers to stay connected to their students to exchange resources, videos, ideas, methodologies, and pedagogical practices.
- Flexibility – Among the benefits of online teaching during corona virus learning for teachers is the large variety of different resources such as video texts, presentations, and quizzes that they can use to adapt their tutoring methods to the learning styles of their students.
- Innovation – The utilization of the latest technologies for teaching during lock down gives teachers the liberty to experiment in their teaching practice during distance learning and therefore the ability to form changes if something doesn’t work.
- Accessibility – Online platforms that are now available 24/7 allow teachers to develop and create their materials according to their schedules and whenever they want to in this Corona virus online learning system. It is also important to note that all teaching materials can be reviewed as many times as needed.
- Creativity –During Teaching online in India, Daily teachers are challenged to become more versatile and creative to attract the attention of their students. Using а variety of online resources for online teaching provokes and develops the creative thinking processes of educators.
- Lifelong learning – online teaching platforms are one of the channels that educators can use to deepen their knowledge and increase their skills.
- Building a community – Online platforms allow educators to stay connected with colleagues from all over the world, as well as to share ideas and gain inspiration.
In conclusion, the teacher believes that online teaching and distance learning during this education lockdown has allowed students to be much more responsible and take ownership of their learning and once both teachers and students become comfortable with the online sessions, any challenges during a crisis can be addressed in the future.